Filtered by: Deportación

The owner of the house is obliged to allow the person affected or someone of his/her trust to access the house and pick up the property.

Documento de 27 de febrero de 2017/Oficialía Mayor/Dirección General de Delegaciones
You must grant a power of attorney to your spouse so that he/she can attend the cases inherent to your patrimony, all the fiscal aspects and, if needed, the custody of the minors. It is important that you obtain a power of attorney from your spouse so that you can handle cases related to his or her estate, child custody and tax issues.
It is highly recommended that you sign this power of attorney in front of a notary in the U.S. or consulates. If this is not possible, this power of attorney could be signed in Mexico and would have to be translated by an official expert and have an apostille.
It is important to point out that in the case of child custody, the power of attorney is not a guarantee since if the child is in the custody of the State it will be the judge's decision whether or not to endorse that power of attorney.
Blank Power of Attorney forms are available here.
Documento de 27 de febrero de 2017 / Oficialía Mayor / Dirección General de Delegaciones

The limit established at the re-entry point is 10 thousand US dollars.

Documento de 27 de febrero de 2017/Oficialía Mayor/Dirección General de Delegaciones

At the time of detention, immigration authorities usually hold the money and other property that the detainee is carrying.

It is common that in the case of deportation the authorities issue a check for the value of the goods and / or money withheld that can only be cashed in the United States. This situation generates complications, especially when the deported persons have the urgency to have access to that money. In this case, it is recommended that you ask the entity issuing the check to make one of the following options:

  1. 1. That the check be reissued in the name of a family member or trustworthy person who has an account in the United States or to a humanitarian organization that provides these services under power of attorney;
  2. 2. that the check be endorsed to a family member or trustworthy person of the owner of the check who is in the United States and has a bank account.  

For more information you can consult the No More Deaths Organization Manual ""How to help migrants recover money and retained belongings"" in the following link.

Guía de la Organización No More Deaths "Cómo ayudar a migrantes a recuperar dinero y pertinencias retenidas"