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  • El archivo especificado temporary://file3HGzN8 no se pudo copiar, porque el directorio de destino no está configurado correctamente. La causa puede ser un problema de permisos en el directorio o los archivos. Hay más información disponible en el registro del sistema.
  • El archivo especificado temporary://filezTLTA9 no se pudo copiar, porque el directorio de destino no está configurado correctamente. La causa puede ser un problema de permisos en el directorio o los archivos. Hay más información disponible en el registro del sistema.

The current administration of the government of the United States of America (EUA) has hardened its migratory policy, affecting millions of Mexicans, that are legally or illegaly way winthin their borders.

Faced with this change the Mexican government has undertaken measures to protect all migrants and their families in all of North America including nationally.

Migrants now have a need for tools that will permit:

Inform migrants and their families about their rights, processes and support tools at their disposal.
Organize and group the actions requested by all government groups.
Maximize the benefits and the scope of actions taken in support of migrants.
Generate appropriate factual and honest answers, to the main questions on migration.

What is migrant?

It's a digital bilingual platform that provides information to migrant people and his relatives in Mexico and United States

Concentrate, systematize and coordinates all the answers, actions and federal government programs in order to allow coordinated supports, efficient and effective in situations of emergency and situations of voluntary migration.

Allow to migrants and his relatives get truthful information and updated, in a simple language and in formats that makes an easier comprehension.