Frequently asked questions

This section addresses the concerns and questions that people and their families often face when they have been repatriated or are in the process. Identify your case and know the options you have to solve it.

What is migrant smuggling?

Smuggling of Migrants is a crime involving the procurement for financial or other material benefit of illegal entry of a person into a State of which that person is not a national or resident.

Migrant smuggling affects almost every country in the world. It undermines the integrity of countries and communities, and costs thousands of people their lives every year. UNODC, as the guardian the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime (Organized Crime Convention) and the Protocols thereto, assists States in their efforts to implement the Protocol against the Smuggling of Migrants by Land, Sea and Air (Smuggling of Migrants Protocol).

Important know:
When detained by ICE, the person is assigned a folio number from his or her file. Your family must go to the ICE Detention Center and locate the name to identify the folio number and know the location of the detainee. Information about a specific detainee can be found here.

Protocolo contra el Tráfico Ilícito de Migrantes por Tierra, Mar y Aire que complementa la Convención de Naciones Unidas contra la Delincuencia Organizada Transnacional de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas
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